Buyer’s Guide

Should You Buy an Electric Car?

There’s no doubt about it, electric vehicles are on the rise, and they could be the perfect addition to your life. After all, electric cars are better for the environment, cheaper to run, and easier to drive. That’s why many people are turning to these vehicles. Here’s how you can tell if getting an electric car is right for you.

You Want to Save Money on Gas

Electric cars cost much less than their gasoline counterparts. With gas prices rising across the country, an electric vehicle makes sense for most car buyers. Given this, even if an electric car costs you more money upfront, it will likely pay for itself in a few years, considering how much money you’ll save on gas.

You Want a Car That’s Easy on The Environment

The biggest draw of going electric is that it’s better for the planet and our health. Electric vehicles are so much better for the environment because they don’t emit harmful pollutants into the air as gas-powered cars do. The average car emits 476 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year—electric vehicles don’t have any tailpipe emissions at all. They also don’t require gasoline, which means less dependence on foreign oil.

They’re Easy to Drive

Electric cars are also extremely easy to drive when compared to their traditional counterparts — especially if you’re used to driving an older manual transmission. They have very little torque lag (the time it takes for power from the engine to reach the wheels), so they can accelerate quickly without having to wait for power to build up first as traditional engines do.

 When Does It Not Make Sense to Buy an Electric Car

If you live in a major city where there are plenty of subway stops and buses near your home, then getting an electric car might not be necessary. The reason for this is that with public transit, you can get to most places without having to worry about driving (or the maintenance of the vehicle) at all.

If you’re still not sure that an electric car is the right option for you, consider leasing one for a few months. This way, you’ll get to experience what it is like to have an electric car at your disposal and be able to determine whether it makes sense to purchase one.

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